How to Invest Like a Tech Billionaire

Jeff Siegel

Posted August 9, 2016

Look at this headline…


$200 million in one month.

For a game you play on your phone!

Now, I’ll be honest. I still don’t understand what Pokemon Go is. Aside from reading stories about people almost getting run over by cars while playing, the whole thing is somewhat of a mystery to me.

It was the same for Candy Crush, too. Another game that made a few people very, very rich. Apparently this game was pulling in $633,000 a day. Unreal!

I know some folks who got some of this action, and I regret not taking their advice when they told me to invest. But the truth is, when it comes to investing, I never put my money into something I can’t understand.

Sure, I’ve lost out on a few gains, but overall, this strategy has saved me more times than it could’ve helped me.

Tech Isn’t Just Games

Growing up in the eighties, this was my idea of a video game:


So it should come as no surprise that most young tech analysts don’t waste their time trying to convince me of the next big thing in video games.

However, while you won’t find a single video game on my smartphone (unless you count the New York Times crossword puzzle), you can be sure that when I do see a potentially profitable tech play I can understand, I’m all over it.

In fact, as a Green Chip Stocks investor, I can tell you that over the past decade, my biggest wins have actually been tech plays.

From solar technology stocks like First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR) and SolarEdge (NASDAQ: SEDG) to what could be easily argued as the most important tech stock of the 21st century, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), you can be certain there is no shortage of tech plays that are NOT related to the gaming industry. Let me explain…

Zuckerberg’s Got $2 Billion on This One

When it comes to leaders in the tech space, I only know the big names: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg. And history has taught us all that when these guys make a move, a lot of very smart people get very rich.

So last month, when a colleague of mine sent me a private investment note from some Wall Street hot shot, I didn’t hesitate to make a move.

Check it out:


Now, I don’t have permission to repost this note in its entirety, nor do I have permission to disclose the name of the company that Mark Zuckerberg’s got $2 billion riding on.

However, no one told me I couldn’t share this report with others. So here’s a link: Zuckerberg Play:Confidential

I suspect once they’ve seen I posted the link, they’ll make me take it down. So I strongly suggest you look at it now, before their lawyers send me a cease and desist letter.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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